Difficulties in Annapurna Base Camp Trek - ABC Trek Difficulties 2024,2025,2026

  • 2024-05-04
  • by Amrit Chhetri

The Annapurna Base Camp trek is a popular trekking route in Nepal that starts from the city of Pokhara. It takes you through beautiful landscapes, charming villages, terraced fields, and lush rhododendron forests before reaching the base camp of the majestic Annapurna mountain range.

Here is a general overview of the Annapurna Base Camp trek starting from Pokhara:

  • Pokhara to Nayapul: The trek begins with a drive from Pokhara to Nayapul, which takes approximately 1.5 to 2 hours. Nayapul is the starting point of the trek.

  • Nayapul to Tikhedhunga/Ulleri: From Nayapul, you will start walking towards Tikhedhunga or Ulleri, passing through small villages and terraced fields. The trail includes some uphill sections, and you will cross the Bhurungdi Khola (river) via suspension bridges. The day's trek usually takes around 5-6 hours.
  • Tikhedhunga/Ulleri to Ghorepani: The trail continues uphill, and you will ascend a steep stone staircase with around 3,000 steps known as the Ulleri staircase. As you climb higher, you will enter dense rhododendron forests and reach the village of Ghorepani. The trek takes around 6-7 hours.
  • Ghorepani to Tadapani: Early in the morning, you can hike to Poon Hill (3,210 meters) to witness a stunning sunrise over the Annapurna and Dhaulagiri mountain ranges. After returning to Ghorepani, you will have breakfast and then continue the trek to Tadapani. The trail passes through forests and offers scenic views. The day's trek takes around 5-6 hours.
  • Tadapani to Chhomrong: The trail descends through forests, crossing streams and small settlements. You will reach the Gurung village of Chhomrong, which offers beautiful views of the Annapurna South and Hiunchuli peaks. The trek takes around 5-6 hours.
  • Chhomrong to Bamboo: From Chhomrong, you will descend to the Chhomrong Khola and then climb up to Sinuwa. The trail continues through bamboo and rhododendron forests, eventually reaching Bamboo. The trek takes around 4-5 hours.
  • Bamboo to Deurali: You will continue trekking uphill, passing through the Himalayan Hotel and Dovan. The trail offers glimpses of waterfalls and landscapes. Finally, you will arrive at Deurali after approximately 4-5 hours of trekking.
  • Deurali to Annapurna Base Camp: The trail ascends gradually, passing through the Machhapuchhre Base Camp (3,700 meters) on the way to Annapurna Base Camp (4,130 meters). As you reach the base camp, you will be rewarded with panoramic views of Annapurna I, Annapurna South, Hiunchuli, and other surrounding peaks. The trek takes around 5-6 hours.
  • Annapurna Base Camp to Bamboo: After spending some time at the base camp, you will retrace your steps and descend back to Bamboo. The descent usually takes around 6-7 hours.
  • Bamboo to Jhinu Danda/Hotsprings: From Bamboo, you will trek downhill to Jhinu Danda. Here, you can relax and enjoy the natural hot springs, which are believed to have therapeutic properties. The trek takes around 5-6 hours.
  • Jhinu Danda/Hotsprings to Nayapul and Pokhara: From Jhinu Danda, you will trek to Nayapul, passing through beautiful villages and terraced fields. From Nayapul, you will drive back to Pokhara, marking the end of the trek. The trek from Jhinu Danda to Nayapul takes around 4-5 hours, and the drive from Nayapul to Pokhara takes approximately 1.5 to 2 hours.

Please note that the duration and specific itinerary may vary depending on the trekking agency, weather conditions, and individual preferences. It's always advisable to consult with a local trekking agency or guide for the most up-to-date and accurate information before embarking on the Annapurna Base Camp trek.

Though the ABC (Annapurna Base Camp) Trek is an easy Trek in Nepal, trekkers still have to take precautions, be alert of the present situation, & be ready for the trekking adventure. Annapurna Base Camp lies in the Annapurna province in the northwest of Nepal. Recognized as one of the most renowned treks in Nepal, it had acquired its fame even more after the 2015 earthquake when the area was considered as secure as not much devastation happened.

Table of Contents

Difficulties in Annapurna Base Camp Trek - ABC Trek Difficulties 2024,2025,2026

The Annapurna Base Camp Trek, a mesmerizing journey through the majestic Himalayas, presents adventurers with both awe-inspiring beauty and formidable challenges. From 2024,2025, 2026, trekkers with Himalayan Asia Treks have encountered various difficulties along this iconic route. Harsh weather conditions, including sudden snowstorms and heavy rainfall, have tested the resilience of hikers, making certain sections of the trail slippery and hazardous. Additionally, the high altitude presents a formidable obstacle, with altitude sickness posing a risk to those who ascend too quickly. Moreover, the rugged terrain demands physical endurance and mental fortitude, as steep ascents and descents require careful navigation and stamina. Despite these challenges, the allure of reaching Annapurna Base Camp and witnessing its breathtaking vistas continues to draw adventurers, inspiring them to overcome these obstacles with determination and perseverance.

Annapurna Base Camp Trek is arranged at the height of 4130 meters. This journey is one of the most mainstream and excellent traveling preliminary in Nepal after Everest Base Camp Trek; it is also exceptionally famous for the performance of the gathering adventurers experienced adventurers.

Annapurna Base Camp Trek isn't viewed as a troublesome journey since this trip is highly courageous, and the key components of the trip are to walk gradually. So this journey is considered to be a moderate trip. Like Everest Base Camp Trek, it is likewise requesting a delightful journey; however, this trip is entirely charming and reachable with a touch of persistence.

Annapurna Base Camp Trek is very popular for a close sight of tall summits above 7000m elevation. ABC Trek is really incredible and relatively easy in regards to the altitude, but constant up & down in the Himalayas could be a challenge. Nonetheless, hikers can have a great adventure without technical climbing in this trek. There're networks of guest houses and hotels along the trail. There's also an option for typical local tea house accommodation every few hours of the walk where hikers can sit, rest or even sleep if they're exhausted.

The Annapurna Base Camp Trekking begins around 10 kilometers from Nayapul to Tikhedhunga on the 1st day of the tour via the rocky terrain. There're nearly 3200 steep stone steps in a place known as Ulleri on the way to Ghorepani – which can be a little challenging for the trekkers. Nevertheless, advanced training for those steep steps by making a few trips up & down can make this challenge easier to combat. The last two days in this trek can be a little tough as the trekkers have to trek at high altitude, but it'd not be a massive concern for a physically fit person, even if there could be some breathing difficulties. The another popular package in Annapurna is Ghandruk Ghorepani Trek

Annapurna Base Camp Trek could be exhausting, but it is worth it. You have to be slow & steady. Even though the trek is of moderate level, it can be demanding for anybody who's not reasonably fit. A minimum amount of fitness & a plan to walk long is what you have to keep in mind. It'll be nearly 4 to 5 hours walking up & down per day on well-built stone steps & trails. You'll be accommodating in a lodge or tea house with a traveler-friendly food menu, including pizza, pasta, eggs, etc.

Highlights of Annapurna Base Camp Trek

  • Explore Kathmandu City.
  • Scenic view from Kathmandu- Pokhara.
  • Sunrise tour in Poonhill.
  • Beautiful terraces with rice fields and farmhouse.
  • Eye-catching waterfalls.
  • Gurung culture and their lifestyle.
  • Annapurna Base camp.
  • Machhapuchhre base camp.
  • Explore beautiful city Pokhara.
  • Sunset tour at Sarangkot.

Short Itinerary of Annapurna Base Camp Trek

Day 01: Arrival.

Day 02: Trek preparation and Half day sightseeing in Kathmandu.

Day 03: Drive from Kathmandu to Pokhara (820m- 7 hrs) Ahead to Pokhara in the morning.

Day 04: Drive to Nayapul and trek to Tikhedhunga (1,540m - 5 hrs) .

Day 05: Trek to Ghorepani (3,194m - 7 hrs) .

Day 06: Ghorepani hike early morning to Poon hill (Viewpoint)(1hrs), trek down to Ghorepani, and trek to Tadapani (6hrs).

Day 07: Trek to Chhomrong (1900m - 7 hrs).

Day 08: Trek to Deurali (3,230m - 6 hrs).

Day 09: Trek to Annapurna Base Camp (4,130m - 5 hrs).

Day 10: Trek to Bamboo. (2,340m - 6 hrs).

Day 11: Trek to Jhinu (1,780m - 5 hrs) .

Day 12: Jhinu to Pokhara.

Day 13: Drive/ fly from Pokhara to Kathmandu.

Day 14: Departure.

Altitude Sickness in Annapurna Base Camp Trek

The severe issue and the trouble of journeying to the Mountain district is the elevation affliction. The oxygen and the barometrical weight in the high elevation are lower than the ocean level.

With the more slender degree of oxygen and the high elevation, it will take some effort to acclimate to the general condition at such a tall height. During the elevation ailment, you may get the side effects like sickness, looseness of the bowels, migraine, loss of hunger, sleep deprivation, and others.

High elevation can be moderate for a few, while it tends to be not kidding for other people. If you discover a few manifestations of the elevation ailment while making the experience climb, you should promptly return to a lower-height district. Try not to disregard these kinds of side effects which may bring about complex issues or the passing of the voyager while traveling to the high elevation.

Our experience journeying begins from the lake city "Pokhara," which is at the height of 1400 meters from ocean level. It would help if you traveled up to 4130 meters towards Annapurna Base Camp in a couple of days.

Climbing for a couple of hours every day, in any event, a month preceding your genuine journey is recommended. This altitude sickness will permit your body to offset with nature when height slowly increment while journeying tough. Having warm soup and keeping up your eating regimen is additionally a decent method to limit the danger of elevation affliction.

It isn't prescribed to drink liquor at such a high elevation. Even though some medication is accessible to forestall the elevation disorder, you are recommended to take rest and play it safe than medication.

Climate and Temperature of Annapurna Base Camp Trek

Climate and temperature are the central points that can make significant trouble in the traveling course as the climate in the mountain locale aren't steady. Instead, it can change radically, and the ascent and fall in the temperature depending on the climate, atmosphere, season, and height condition.

Harvest time season is the picking season to travel to Annapurna Base Camp because of the mountain's excellent and quiet climate condition during this season. After the Autumn season, the spring season is likewise the best season to travel in the Annapurna district because the days are lovely and enchanting. We can encounter the green and excellent Himalayan widely varied vegetation, stroll through the green terraced field, perfect and the heart contacting perspectives on the snow gasped mountain tops.

The best piece of traveling in Annapurna Base Camp is you can travel here in rainstorms too as there will be less possibility of precipitation in this district. This entire district is downpour concealed, so the rainstorm doesn't influence excessively while traveling in the Annapurna area.

The average temperature at the Annapurna Base Camp locale is around 15 to 20-degree centigrade on a bright day during the fall and spring. In contrast, in the late spring, the temperature ranges from 20-25 degrees centigrade.

Even though the days are lovely and enchanting, the winter season is the most hazardous and challenging in the Annapurna Base Camp Trek. In this season, there is the chance of overwhelming snowfall, and the temperature can be under 0 and can be diminished to short 17 degrees centigrade in the evening time. However, the temperature is typical and moderate during the daytime or under the sun time.

So you should avoid potential risk and pack all the occasional and fundamental garments for the intense change in the climate and the atmosphere condition.

Training in Annapurna Base Camp Trek

Annapurna Base Camp is one of the most unbelievable, solid, and old-style treks in Nepal, as the course of this trip isn't steep and troublesome. Nonetheless, it tends to be a difficult path for the new mountain explorer that prompts the base camp of the world's tenth most noteworthy famous snow-topped mountain. So best experience climbing is exceptionally fundamental and significant if you are journeying the hill.

Right off the bat, the travelers should begin preparing for about a month and a half before making the experience outing to the Annapurna district to make the body solid, genuinely, and intellectually fit and fine. It would be best if you walked right around 5-6 hours per day every day, so if you don't have the earlier preparation, you may confront the few issues finding your gathering. You may even need to very our experience journey because of the absence of endurance required and perseverance to finish the trip.

The downhill journey is more straightforward than the tough traveling. The higher elevation walk or the stroll is challenging; even a brief walk time will cause you to feel tired. Plunging towards the lower locale is similarly simpler than rising tough to the higher elevation. In the tall height, there is exceptionally less measure of the oxygen up in the mountains.

Joining the mountain journeying, preparing, or taking some expert assistance is exceptionally helpful and suggested—these kinds of crafting centered around leg quality, body adaptability, cardio, and endurance.

On the off chance that you are prepared, you can travel any lord of journeying preliminary without any problem. But, of course, to keep up your wellness, you need to perform troublesome works; even essential exercise, for example, extending, running, swimming, skirting, can be helpful for you.

You ought to be solid and steady both truly and intellectually. While making the experience, mental readiness will give you sharpness. While getting ready for the journey, you can utilize the weight for the climbing exercise, which will help you convey your rucksack during the stroll to the Annapurna Base Camp. Be that as it may, you can likewise recruit a decent porter to get your sack. It isn't acceptable to travel in the high elevation without porter because your body weight will feel like a weight to convey in the increased height. With tremendous and the correct preparation, it is conceivable to confront all the issues and trouble in Annapurna Base Camp Trek with a grin on the face.

The budget on Annapurna Base Camp Trek

The nation of Nepal is one of the most modest traveling goals on the planet. Be that as it may, the cost of the merchandise and things you use will get more costly as you reach in high height than at the lower elevation. The expense of the food and convenience get significantly increased or more than it is in typical rate because of the absence of good transportation and correspondence offices in the mountain locale.

The primary way to ship the great is by yak or donkeys or porter.

On the off chance that you need to purchase a little container of mineral water, it might cost NRS 100 (1 dollar) at a higher height. The other food and convenience expense are more costly in the more elevated districts than in the lower elevation area.

Even though the food and convenience during the traveling preliminary are remembered for the journeying bundle, there are ATM offices in an alternate station in Annapurna Base Camp Trek on the off chance that you need to purchase some different things. Therefore, it is the absolute best plan to convey some sum with you.

Baggage, Gear, weight, and some other prerequisite

Gathering the pack for around fourteen days for a long mountain journey itself is testing. Therefore, you should ensure that you are conveying all the essential things and apparatus else it might make during our trip and make a point not to get extra stuff on the journey by making your pack substantial.

Some fundamental great that you ought not to miss during the experience climb to Annapurna Base Camp Trek is recorded underneath.


The temperature in the mountain territory isn't generally steady. The early morning is more established for the vast majority of the period. During the bright days, the temperature rise, and again at night, the temperature falls underneath the 0-degree centigrade. So you have to wear in the layer as you can remove the external layer of the fabrics if you feel hot.

Your dress should incorporate perspiration retentive clothing and shirt, comfortable garments that shield you from cold and wind.

There is a rundown of the dress that ought to be conveyed in your journey.

  • shirt
  • Sweat permeable/climber clothing
  • Hiking stuns
  • Hiking pants
  • Rain defender coat and pant
  • Lightweight Down Jacket
  • Hiking boots
  • Warm sets of gloves
  • Hiking shoes
  • Sun Hat
  • Other Goods
  • Trekking Poles
  • Sunglasses
  • Battery chargers
  • Extra Batteries
  • Alarm Clock
  • Personal water bottle with the iodine tablets
  • Camera
  • Sleeping sacks
  • Headlight
  • Chocolate or vitality bars
  • First Aid box with fundamental medication for elevation ailment, Diarrhea, cold, sickness, and numerous other
  • Hygiene and toiletries

It is strongly suggested that you convey just a little pack of all the required merchandise and everyday use things which you need for about fourteen days during traveling. Getting a significant bag may add you to trouble.

Here are some cleanliness and toiletries items.

  • Sunscreen
  • Soap
  • Towel
  • Shampoo
  • Eye drops
  • Lip Balm
  • Toilet paper
  • Nail Cutter
  • Tooth Paste and toothbrush
  • Hand Sanitizer
  • Moisturizer
  • Important reports to be conveyed at unsurpassed during the stroll to the Annapurna Base Camp.
  • Ensure every one of these reports will be unsurpassed with you with protection and generally secure during the movement in any piece of Nepal.
  • Passport
  • Permits

Enough Cash( you may not get ATM in all pieces of Nepal)

It is additionally prescribed not to pack the products in excess of 20 Kg whether you convey your Gear or recruit a porter. Abstain from conveying superfluous things like Laptop, Ipad, Speaker, and other pointless substantial garments.

Choosing the best season for Annapurna Base Camp Trek

Pre-winter and the spring season is the best and ideal opportunity to travel in the Annapurna area. The pre-winter season tumbles from the long stretches of September to November, and the spring season slips from March to May. There is a considerable possibility of precipitation, and the climate and atmosphere condition is minimal consistent, and moderate during this season, and the skies are generally straightforward.

This season is an incredible season to appreciate the strict celebration. You will have the option to participate in many social exercises and enjoy the delightful and one-of-a-kind social program of the neighborhood individuals.

The traveling in the course of the Annapurna Base Camp is exceptionally troublesome and testing because of the substantial snowfall in the high elevation. The best approach to the base can be obstructed by the day off. The Winter season falls in December, January, and February. These are coldest months that may influence your wellbeing because of the expansion of the elevation and diminishing of the temperature.

Be that as it may, if you are a wintering individual, you can appreciate the winter season in the Himalayan locale. The daytime usually is hotter, and during the evening, the temperature is beneath, so it is acceptable to envelop by a cover.

June to August is summer and rainstorms in Nepal. Therefore, this season isn't viewed as the great and good ideal opportunity to travel in the Annapurna Base Camp, yet it is minimally conceivable to travel in Annapurna locale in the high elevation since this explanation is downpour concealed territory.

Even though the climate condition can cause a few troubles in the journeying, it is conceivable to finish the Annapurna Base Camp Trek with no issues and issues. On the off chance that you pre-plan for these challenges appropriately.

It is ideal to Annapurna Base Camp Trek in pick seasons like October and November or March and April for a better understanding of the snow-painted mountain and the wonderful experience of Himalayan widely varied vegetation.


On the off chance that you have the solid influencing for the trekking and experience is the new things like delightful Himalayan widely varied vegetation. The magnificence of nature, lovely expertise need to be a long way from the hustle and the clamoring, swarm, and bustling existence of the city that make the experience excursion to Annapurna Base Camp. Annapurna Base Camp Trek is one of the most lovely and courageous journeying goals in Nepal. Over 35000 individuals make the experience excursion to the Annapurna base camp. Readiness and strolling gradual is the key thing to confront all the trouble and issues of the trip. Despite the considerable number of problems, appreciate the nearby perspective on the world's tenth most elevated mountain ought to be spurring enough. The nearby views on some other pinnacles encompassing Mt Annapurna are Mt Dhaulagiri, Mt Makalu, Mt Nilgiri, Mt Machhapuchhre, and numerous others.

Feel and make the life-changing experience and recollections of one of a kind and differing scenes, culture, and customs of the individuals in the experience traveling course.

Nonetheless, if you seek a low-risk but life-changing adventure experience, then Annapurna Base Camp Trek is perfect for you. Best of luck with your adventure journey!

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